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Your Free Meditation!

Scroll further down for info on Angel Haziel as well as technical details on downloading the meditation (if needed).

About the meditation

I developed this meditation while actually having started out to a different meditation.

However during the meditation Guardian Angel Haziel came through and things took a different turn alone by the presence of this powerful Angel. While meditating i was given steps and i was guided into visualizations that i found myself going back to and using again and again for amazing results regarding all sorts of issues. This meditation can help you surrender your worries, resentment or fears to the Divine for transmutation leaving you in a higher vibration than before. I have worked with this meditation to surrender various emotions through the years – even to surrender painful memories or negative expectations in my intimate relationships due to prior trauma. Working with Angel Haziel can do the same for you.

GUARDIAN ANGEL HAZIEL is a Cherub and his governing Archangel is Raziel. Haziel is an amazing ally in clearing your mind of all negative thoughts especially those that deal with troubles you may have with other people (conflicts, disappointments etc). Haziel gifts us with the grace and the power to forgive, to let go of and release anger, resentment, fears and worries it doesn’t serve us to carry. Give what troubles you hold in your heart to Haziel with this meditation.

Technical Stuff (just in case)

Click on the button to view/download your meditation. The file should pop on your screen and you can click on the menu sitting on the right (up) of the page to download it. This is what it should look like:

In case something is not working shoot us an email at

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