Full Moon In Aquarius & Navigating Uranian Themes In The 3D (ASTRO/NUMEROLOGY Discussion)

Hi my loves, the upcoming full moon in Aquarius is a very potent and interesting portal. Here is my astro/numerology analysis. It’s a lot of info but it is for those who are interested. Enjoy!

00:00 – 04:58 Full Moon Themes I Experienced On This Channel 05:00 – Understanding Aquarius & Uranus Energy 09:40 – Uranus In Taurus & Energies of Number 5 13:37 – 29 Degrees, The Number 11 & The High Priestess in Tarot 16:19 – Low Expressions of Aquarius 17:50 – Jupiter Conjunct Moon 19:13 – We Gonna Be Alright! 21:12 – Mars & Mercury Conjunction & Trine With Uranus 23:23 – For When Things Get Uncomfortable 24:14 – Uranian Disruption In The 3D & How To Navigate 27:01 – Travel Light & Trust You Will Have All You Need 28:32 – Venus Square Saturn: Commit To What You Love 30:10 – Redefining Values & Feeling Safe With Less 31:03 – Disruptions In The 3D & Switching Timelines 36:36 – Uranus & Disclosures Around Space & Not Only 39:04 – Uranus, Transcending The Low & Healing Chaos 41:18 – Pluto Breaking Down Old Capricorn Themes 45:05 – Building The New: We Got The Power! Communities Of Unity! 


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